Jewelry In Candles - Business Opportunity

Jewelry In Candles currently offers 100% all-natural, soy candles and wax tarts with a free jewelry surprise. This means you can give two gifts for the price of one. The candles contain the hidden surprise sealed inside of foil. With your chosen scent, you can select your ring size or type of jewelry. Current selections include a ring, necklace or earrings. Jewelry is valued at $10 and up. Jewelry ranges from silver or gold plated with stones made from cubic zirconia to titanium, to sterling silver or gold with rubies or other precious jewels. As the company continues to grow, bonus jewelry candles will be made available with electronics, gift cards, vacations and much more! Aroma beads and other products will be available in 2014.
What I love about this opportunity is the freedom they give you to run a candle business with few restrictions.  You can purchase products for your own inventory or personal sales with your discount OR sell completely online. The back office contains promotional ideas, marketing materials and other resources.

For a limited time, there are NO fees or minimum purchase to become a representative. (Updated: $49.95 kit now due at sign-up)


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