Finding Your Passion with a Hobby

Just about every individual has a hobby that they love to take part in; it's just a matter of honing in on exactly what that is. Have you ever seen someone who is absolutely in love with his or her hobby and it seems to flow effortlessly to them? Well, don't think for a minute that no planning, thinking, or trial and error went into that hobby.

If you have been thinking about finding a hobby or creating some new craft, there are a couple of ways to find that passion and make it all seem effortless and fun.

Do What You Love

While this may sound like common sense, doing what you love will almost always equate to success and fulfillment. Success is not just simply defined by how much money you make; it is also defined by doing what you love to do and never tiring of it.

We all have things we want to do on the creative side; however, have you ever noticed that the creative souls are the ones with the most self-sabotaging talk and negativity surrounding their passion? Just look at the old adage about the “starving artist.” However, it does not have to be that way.

Once you discover what you truly love and starting taking active steps toward pursuing that one thing, then the rest will fall into place that much easier.

So start by taking some time to self-explore.

* Examine what you love
* Try different angles and ways to explore what you love
* Try new things
* Be courageous, think outside the box, go where your heart leads

Find Your Passion

Once you have explored your creative side, journal how you feel when doing different types of crafts and hobbies. If you have always wanted to paint, but found it not as interesting as you thought it would be, don't worry. Keep going until you find that one thing that ignites you over and over again.

If at First You Don't Succeed

Once you find your passion and do what you love, don't stop there. Continue on this path even if you meet with failure. Many famous authors and artists met with failure many times over before they found what worked for them.

It is vitally important that you don't lose sight of your dream and that you don't let the absence of immediate success daunt you. It is almost impossible to succeed without having failed a couple of times at first.

Before you know it, you will hit the mark as so many others have before you.

Heritage Box

Last week we received our first delivery from Heritage Box. We love the handcrafted Kenyan Masaai Box! So excited to dig in and learn together.

Homeschool Days: Glow Science

This week we attended Homeschool Day at our local science center. They performed engineering challenges! Activities included building with glow sticks, making glow slime, decoding blacklight secret messages, and making a glow-in-the-dark macaroni necklaces.

First/Second Grade

Well, I failed at my attempt to update more frequently. I am now into my second year of homeschooling. I concentrated more on reading and math last year so we've picked up where we left off.

We use a lot of supplementary books so I'll just list the major resources used. Math is the only subject in which I follow the sequence given. Mostly, I use workbooks as a guide of what to cover. I am currently using the following:


Health, Safety, and Manners 2

The Complete Book of Spanish, Grades 1 - 3

DK Workbooks: Geography, Second Grade

The Good & the Beautiful Language Arts & Literature (also covers writing, art, and geography)

Social Studies/History & Science mostly consists of topical studies using books, videos, games, projects, and field trips.

Field Trip: Publix

Yesterday we visited a local Publix grocery store for a “behind the scenes” tour.

The live lobsters in the meat department was a hit!
