Kitsy Lane - Free Business Opportunity

Kitsy Lane empowers Boutique Owners to run their own online jewelry and accessories boutique on their own time – and make money while they're at it. They offer an easy-to-use, innovative marketing platform, that allows you to customize your own online storefront, choose the pieces you want to sell, give personal shopping advice, and promote the finds across your social network profiles.

There is no requirement to purchase a starter kit, no website to build, no inventory to manage, and no trunk shows to host. Commission is up to 25% on every sale.

Here's an example of how things can add up:
5 orders/week - $75/order average = $3,500/year
5 orders/day - $75/order average = $25,000/year

PLUS, you even earn a percentage of the commission from Boutique Owners you sign up! Ready to open your own boutique? Set up your shop by entering your email address here.


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