K5-First Grade
Where have I been?!
I'm going to attempt to do better with blogging. I started by reading my first post on my tentative curriculum plans. Well, I never went that route.
We officially started in July 2015. Soon after starting, I discovered that with the exception of reading and math, the Kindergarten material was too basic for her. I decided to use the following:
Reading Eggs
Community Helpers
Rainforest Journey - Life Science
My America and My World 1
Health, Safety, and Manners 1
Discovering God's World 1
Scholastic Success With Grammar, Grade 1
Apologetics Press: Exploring God's Word - Year 1
Does this look like a lot? It's really not. As of October 2015, we have not started My America and My World, and Rainforest Journey is complete. Also, since Mathseeds does not allow us to skip lessons, I've been supplementing with a first grade math workbook. We are about 4 lessons away from first grade.